00:07:54 MWS Host: Hi everyone …. The session will start at 1.30pm. I am waiting for Vishvapani to arrive. 00:33:38 Robin: A mindfulness group I ran for staff at a large secondary school met with mixed responses - from dismissal, resistance, to acceptance of usefulness to engagement by a small minority. How engaged have you found people to be in the process of mindfulness in relation to e.g. education or other policy areas? How do you help people overcome negative attitudes? 00:38:07 Victoria Norton: You are going into public sector Settings with your Buddhist Name "Vishvapani". How does that come over /sit with the premise that Mindfulness in not Buddhist? 00:41:53 Brendan McCann: the commercial wave of mindfulness has increased awareness and acceptability of mindfulness. Do you see that some companies are using mindfulness as a primarily productivity tool? 00:46:47 Katherine’s iPhone: comments- under labour government all of this new curriculum, minus mindfulness, was in place with the seal curriculum in primary schools and a whole school approach in secondary. it was stopped by the coalition. frustrating! curriculum 00:47:15 Brendan McCann: have you seen any efforts to include more heart practices into organisations? If so what is the reception to them? 00:47:41 Katherine’s iPhone: and now the welsh don’t want to remember that or learn from something they did a decade ago. wheels reinvented. 00:48:14 James Osborn: It strikes me that education has been very focused on curriculum content and measuring academic standards but has tended to pay less attention to learning processes. i.e. how we learn, how we act in educational settings for both learners and teachers. I could see mindfulness being very useful in inviting us to consider these processes. 00:49:50 Katherine’s iPhone: it has got that way under the tories. much of this is political in origin. 00:50:20 Lucy West: Have you found bi-partisan interest (personal and political) in your work in parliament? Does this give you hope that it won't be regarded as a progressive/left wing movement? Do you have hope that it could humanize both sides of the House? 00:55:56 Mark: how much training do you need to stop and wash your hands and take stock. you need to have a group/sanga otherwise you just become a self obsessed meditatior who is only interested in their own gain and not how its benifits can be taken in your whole life and help others. 00:59:05 MWS Host: Middle Way and emotion …… people tend to be convinced by their emotional responses and philosophy perhaps questions the validity of being convinced in that way. For example, people vote with their emotions. People FEEL they are right. Does ‘calm’ directly help with a greater flexibility of thought, do you think? Or can it entrench people in a belief in the need to be calm? Or in their own sense of rightness because they are calm? 01:09:35 James Osborn: Is mindfulness the secular “opium for the masses ?” 01:17:21 SUSAN's iPad: Is the need to control and be the instructor inhibiting inspired creative education how can mindfulness change this. inspired by my grandson’s experience changing schools with different philosophies 01:21:52 Barbara Mills: Can host /cohost switch their audio off when no speaking, but listening please. getting feedback 01:22:15 Robin: Thank you Vishvapani - great food for thought. 01:22:34 Brendan McCann: Thank you, great talk 01:22:45 Guy Clark: Thank you 01:22:53 chris: Thanks